
Friday 18 August 2017

Etsy Shop Product Review #1 : JnJ Farm KY

Hello lovelies, I hope you're all well. This post will be a review of the Etsy shop "JnJ Farm KY". I contacted the owner of this shop and asked about reviewing some of their products. I bought the carrot facial soap and the owner was kind enough to send me some samples of other products to try out. So generous and lovely to talk and so very friendly and helpful. The samples I received were the dead sea mud mask, aloe butter, acne and detox soap and facial oil. I will be trying these products out for a week before writing my reviews so that I can give a full honest opinion on each product and talk about how they have effected my skin be it good or bad.

JnJ Farm KY:
I thought I would talk a bit about the shop itself before I get into reviewing the products.
JnJ Farm KY is an Etsy shop located in Virginia, USA. This shop has a load of products for sale that are natural and organic (who doesn't love that?) such as soaps, natural butters, lotions, essential oils, herbals, face masks, face&beard oils etc. I think this shop has something for everyone, there is such a good range of products its difficult not to get a bit of everything. Most if not all of the products are hand made which means that one purchase can differ slightly to another, but that doesn't bother me at all as I love using handmade products. I am so excited that I found this shop and can't wait to try out the products they were so generous to send me and to purchase some more in the future.

Etsy shop:
Instagram: jnjfarmky

Carrot Facial Soap:
How I used this: I used this soap as part of the evening skin routine, it was used as the second step in the double cleanse. I would create a lather in my hands and use to wash my face, neck and chest. I would massage in circular motions and leave to sit on the skin for a couple minutes before rinsing off with warm water, then continuing with my skin routine.
First impressions: This soap is made very well with the logo clearly imprinted into the soap. This smells beautiful. I managed to get a nice rich lather with this soap and it was very comfortable on the skin, I didn't experience any irritation what so ever. This left my skin feeling super clean and refreshed but not dry or stripped of the natural oils. I really liked that this was gentle and moisturising on the skin but still left my face feeling squeaky clean, I am very happy with this product after my first use. It will be interesting to see how my skin feels at the end of this week.
Summary: After using this product for about a week I can confidently say that it is brilliant, this soap is awesome. After continued use my skin definitely feels softer and brighter. This is brilliant for a daily face wash, you don't have to worry about not getting a thorough cleanse or there still being make up residue etc. because this soap cleans the skin so well but is super gentle. I love it and will definitely continue to use this.

Acne and Detox Soap:
How I used this: I used this product in the mornings as the first step in my skin routine. I used this in the same way I used the carrot soap. Massage the lather into my face, neck and chest, leave for a couple minutes then rinse.
First impressions: The first I thing  noticed about this soap is that it is very well made with the logo imprinted into the product. Also the scent of this product is lovely, a brilliant mixture of natural fragrances, but not overwhelming. I was surprised to find that you get a lovely rich lather from this soap and it is very pleasant to use. My skin was left feeling super clean and refreshed. As I have dry skin, my skin did feel a bit tight after use so moisturising is essential after using this product. Absolutely loved this on first use can wait to see how my skin reacts over the week. Starting the week with this product I do have a couple small blemishes and some red marks from a couple I had over the weekend. I will let you know how this soap effects them.
Summary: I think this is a really good product, I have dry skin but I do get breakouts a few times a month. I feel like for those times when I do have spots and breakouts this product is really going to help. I don't like this as a daily face wash but I think it is amazing for a treatment face wash when your skin needs it. I did get a few small breakouts this week and this using this soap meant that they didn't last nearly as long as normal and the marks left afterwards were much lighter and faded quicker. If you have oily or acne prone skin this soap is going to be amazing for you.

Aloe Butter:
How I used this: I used this product for my damaged hair and as a lip balm.
First impressions: This product doesn't really have a scent. The texture is kind of grainy but melts down to a smooth oily consistency. It is fairly comfortable on the lips once the harder grains melt into them. As a hair treatment I was very happy upon first application as it didn't leave my hair feeling greasy or super oily. I applied it to the ends of my hair after I had washed and towel dried it. So far so good. A little seems to go a long way.
Summary: This is a super versatile product, it can be used on the skin, the hair, mixed with other products, nails etc. this is a brilliant product and I would highly suggest purchasing this if you regularly use natural butters in your day to day life. This a very high quality organic product.

Dead Sea Mud Mask:
How I used this: For this product I followed the instructions given with the product. The seller did tell me that you can add essential oils, green clay, french rose etc. to the mask for additional skin care benefits. I was also told that she used it on her hair as a detox as she works in a cigar bar and often her hair needs it.
First impressions: The texture of this product is awesome, it is like a combination of your traditional mud mask and a gel/creamy consistency, its really cool. This is mask is easy and comfortable to apply and is fairly comfortable to wear. It is a little drying on my already very dry/dehydrated skin, but i still really like the results after using it. Although it was drying on me as long as I used a good moisturiser afterwards then it was fine. After using this mask my skin was left feeling super clean and refreshed, pores felt tighter, skin appeared smoother and brighter. I really enjoyed this product and will definitely continue to use it.
Summary:This is a very good product, the results of this mask are beautiful. Over the week I used this product twice, because my skin is dry and it would be too drying on my skin if I used it too often. But this is brilliant for when my skin was feeling a little dull or clogged. This is a brilliant mud mask and I would strongly recommend it, especially if you have oily or combination skin. But if you do have dry skin you can still use this just make sure you moisturise really well.

Facial Oil:
How I used this: I would used 3-4 drops of this product as my last step in my skin routine. I would rub it between my hands a press it into my skin.
First impressions: This product smells amazing but not too over powering. It has a lovely consistency which spreads beautifully over this skin, It doesn't leave the skin feeling greasy or heavy, it went very well over my other skin care products and absorbed well into the skin after a couple minutes. I am looking forward to seeing how it effects my skins moisture levels and texture.
Summary: I used this product twice a day every day for about a week and the main improvements I saw during this time is that my skin retained moisture much better and that it boosted the effectiveness of my other skin care products. I also feel like this made my skin soft and supple. I don't use many oils in my skin care routine but after trying out this product I will definitely be changing that, starting my integrating this product into my routine.

A little about the seller:

The seller for this Etsy shop is brilliant very friendly and easy to talk to, I asked her about why she started the Etsy shop, why she uses organic products etc. This is what she told me.

"Let's see been doing organic forever and giving out products to friends and family for years. Hubby had strength and support to do my own business. I don't particularly care for Etsy fees are way to high. Because of that he surprised me with website!

I love organic products and I use everything I sell. I don't offer anything I wouldn't use myself. My trademark is Quality Ingredients for a Quality Product because it shows the lengths I go through to keep involved in every aspect of manufacturing. From organic cold-pressed oils to the recycled paper I use for my invoices. Even at shows I use all electronic receipts to save in paper!"

As you can see she is very passionate about what she does and that shows in the quality of her products. I think that this is a brilliant Etsy store and you should definitely check it out.

I really hoped you enjoyed this blog and review, i hope to do some more posts like this in the future as I really enjoy writing them and getting to try out new products to tell you about. Let me know what you thought of this blog and if you want to see more like this in the future. I love you all loads.


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